Free Services for Senior Citizens Near Goodyear and Surprise, Arizona

Seniors on fixed incomes can have a tough time affording everything they need. Especially in 2022 where inflation is running rampant. Many families don’t know about some free services for senior citizens that can help ease the burden of paying for everything. In some cases, there may be a small charge for some of these services. However the charge will be much less than if the senior paid retail.

We should start with the free services for senior citizens that the government provides. Here is a good list of services generally provided by local, state and federal governments. Arizona’s Department of Economic Security has a web page showing what services they can provide for free.

Private and Semi-Private Free Services for Senior Citizens

We have also found some free services for senior citizens near our assisted living homes in Surprise, AZ and Goodyear, AZ.  Some of these services may have eligibility requirements such as income and wealth limits, or be age restricted. This list should help with some of those expenses:

Free Hearing Aids

Have you seen the cost of hearing aids lately? Whoa! Yet many seniors need these devices to be able to function. The best way to see if you or your family member is eligible is to contact your local Lions Club. There are Lions Clubs in Goodyear and Surprise. Although the Surprise club may have closed recently.

The Lions Clubs can direct you to their Affordable Hearing Aid Project (AHAP). The Lions Club have partnered with the hearing aid manufacturer Rexton. Between the two organizations, they can provide hearing aids to people who cannot afford them on their own.

Free Dental Care (Dentures too!)

Yes this is a possibility for seniors. And it can even include free dentures. The program is called Donated Dental Services and is a national program. The program has dentists who donate their time to give people free dental care who otherwise cannot afford it. Each state has their own eligibility requirements for the free services for senior citizens. There is a page for Arizona detailing how to apply.

Free Services for Senior Citizens Specific to Surprise & Goodyear

Many cities throughout the United States offer free services to senior citizens that keep them active and busy. It’s worth checking out the local city website to see what they offer in the way of free services to senior citizens.

Locally the City of Goodyear offers a whole bunch of activities ranging from fitness walking to Luau’s to Seminars. The City of Surprise, Arizona offers fitness classes and a hot lunch program that only costs $2.50 as of March, 2022.

Discount Cable and Internet Service

The Federal Government has a program called Life Line that offers discounted cable and internet to eligible seniors. It is run through a local internet or cable provider. Cox is the main cable company for Surprise and Goodyear, Arizona and they do offer this discount.

In addition to these free services for senior citizens around Surprise and Goodyear, Arizona, there are a lot of restaurants and other businesses that will give discounts for seniors. Here is a list for businesses in Goodyear, Arizona for example. Regardless of where you are, make sure to ask for one whenever you are patronizing a business.

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Picture of From Pilot to Paradise: Meet Hal Cranmer!

From Pilot to Paradise: Meet Hal Cranmer!

Mr. Cranmer went from Air Force Special Operations Pilot to Airline Pilot to running a multimillion dollar manufacturing plant after 9/11 ended his flying career. Now he is bringing his business expertise to his true passion - taking care of seniors in his 'A Paradise for Parents' assisted living homes in Surprise and Goodyear, AZ. Read Hal's crazy career story, 'From Air Force Pilot to Assisted Living Owner'. Click the button to send Hal a message!

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