A Paradise for Parents Campbell Avenue
Campbell Avenue Information
- 15292 West Campbell Avenue
- Goodyear, AZ 85395
- 623-594-6244
- 623-594-6245
Our home on Campbell Avenue received the ‘Best Home in Goodyear AZ Award for 2019’ from the website SeniorAdvisor.com. We are especially proud of the fact the award is given based on feedback from the families of our residents. All of the residents seem very enthusiastic about using a personal trainer, and it shows. We have had one resident lower his doses of insulin to practically nothing.
Another resident has moved from a wheelchair to a walker. He is very close to actually walking on his own!
The residents also like to exercise and eat nutritious meals together. Working out with our personal trainer in a large group setting has really helped to bring the residents closer together as a family.