A Paradise for Parents 164th Lane

164th Lane Information

Our home on 164th Lane received the ‘Best Home in Surprise AZ Award for 2019’ from the website SeniorAdvisor.com. We are especially proud of the fact the award is given based on feedback from the families of our residents. With 18 years of experience in caregiving and 11 years of running this home, she has become a true specialist in residents with dementia and other memory care issues.

The rest of our staff has a lot of experience working in larger facilities and medical establishments with chronic age-related diseases. Although all our homes have at least some experience with residents that have memory-care issues, our home on 164th Lane specializes in it.

Our home on 164th Lane is one of two of our homes that accepts Arizona Long-Term Care System (ALTCS) Mercy Care residents.

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A Paradise for Parents Assisted living and Memory Care locations

Want to make a difference?
A free Checklist of Lifestyle Changes We Use in Our Assisted Living Homes to Help People improve Their Memories

America’s poor lifestyles have led to record increases in chronic diseases and lower life expectancy. More and more people are spending the last decade or two of their lives on multiple medications, in a facility, and in pain.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You CAN fight back!

Start by downloading the checklist we prepared that will help you regain your health.